Tip Tuesday......Christmas Budget

With Christmas coming around the corner it might be time to think about your Christmas Budget......or to make up one if you haven't already. Yes there is a budget for that and it's very important.

We all have good intentions and will say "Next year I will start my Christmas shopping early". But then of course the week before Christmas we end up hurrying and spending so much money to make sure that we get everything on our list. Now did you realize that some stores will jack up the price on items during the Holiday Season. So you end up being forced to pay their prices.

Now I know there are times when we won't find out what our loved ones want before that week and that's understandable.

In my opinion, September is the perfect time to start your shopping or at least getting an idea of what you want to spend. I bring you the "Christmas Budget".

Here's how you start this budget:

    - Start by grabbing a sheet of paper and writing down everyone you need to         buy presents for. Make sure to include "Dirty Santa" gifts for the company 
      Christmas party.

    - Now beside each name write down 1 thing that they would WANT or 1 thing
      that you would want to give them.

    - Next, figure out how much that 1 item would cost and write the total next
      to that item. 

    - Take your list and total everything up. 

So I want you to look at that list carefully and think about your total. Is it realistic? Take in mind that you only wrote down 1 item per each person on your list. 

The reason why I want you to think about this is because to many times we end up spending WAY to much for Christmas. We're all guilty of it so don't feel bad. This year I want you to seriously consider your Christmas Budget and apply the following tips:

1) Think about how much you want to spend. I will say that spending over $1000 on gifts when you're on a budget is WAY to much. Our first year on a budget we spent $400 and guess what everyone was happy.

2) Remember that it's not a competition on who in your family can spend the most money or can give the best Gifts. Also understand the true meaning of Christmas.

3) Gifts from the heart are more valuable than that Coach purse you bought your mother last Christmas.

4) When buying for your children I would say that $50 to $100 is MORE than enough. I can see the look of shock!!!!! I want you to honestly think about this for a minute. Most young children are more concerned about quantity over quality. When I shop for our son I will buy him one big thing that I know he wants and then several other little things and wrap them individually. For older children give them the choice. Either 1 big item, several little items, or cash. I use to love getting cash for Christmas but that's just me.

5) Handmade gifts are sometimes the best. Pinterest Pinterest Pinterest!!!!!

6) Put yourself LAST!!!! The spirit of Christmas is GIVING and not RECEIVING. 

Let's consider how much to spend per person on your list. Now this is just a reference to go by not actually saying you have to.

     - Children          - $50 or less
     - Parents           - $25 or less
     - Grandparents  - $20  or less
     - Siblings          - $15 or $30 per couple or less
     - Everyone Else - $5 to $10 (this is only if you have enough in your budget
                                               after you buy gifts for your family)
     - You & Your Spouse..........whatever is left over!!!!!!!

It's not as hard as you think. Just remember that gifts aren't important.
Another thing to consider is opening a Christmas Club account at your bank. We've done this several times and has worked out great. You could even open an account just for your budget and put extra money back throughout the year.
Don't forget to look for those items when they're on sale. Just make sure to hide them!!! Yea I messed that up one year. OOPS!!

So start thinking about your Christmas budget this year and how much you want to spend. Don't forget to make sure all your NEEDED expenses are paid first.

***** For those of you that are wanting to buy your child or loved one a more expensive item.....save that for their birthday and make sure you set back a budget for it ********

                  Enjoy Your Tuesday :)

                                             *~ Cassie ~* 


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