An Adult Allowance........Can you do it?

Some people say that an allowance is just for kids. Well not if you're on a Budget!!!!!

As I said in my last post, when we started learning to budget we put ourselves on an "Adult Allowance". Simple and easy you might ask. NOPE!!

So here's how the adult allowance works. Are you ready for this mind blower? The trick is you LEAVE YOUR DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS AT HOME! Yes I said that right. Now I wouldn't suggest hiding it from yourself. Just ask my husband cause that didn't work well at all. All you need to do is leave it at home either in your filing cabinet or just a safe place that you'll remember. 

Now we normally pulled cash out on Friday since that was pay day. But the trick is the amount you allow yourself. That magical and realistic number is........

.............DRUM ROLL PLEASE..............
                                    $50 A WEEK

Yes that is $50 per Adult a week. Which in all honesty isn't a hard number to achieve. You need to understand that the $50 is yours to spend however you see fit, but just remember if you spend that money before your next Allowance Day then guess what......"You Get NO More"!!!!!!!

The Adult Allowance you receive isn't for groceries for the home, gas for your car, or household items. This allowance is for YOU. So if you go to a convenient store and you want a drink and some chips, then guess what you pay for it with! For those of you that can't bring a lunch to work, that comes out of your allowance. Ladies, do you want new clothes but don't NEED them? Out of your allowance!!!! And so on and so forth. 

See it's simple. By not having your debit card and only having your Allowance, you're limited on what you can spend which therefore prevents you from over spending on things you really don't need.

Now naturally you need to pick a grocery day or what I like to call "Errand Day". Only on this day will you take your debit/credit card with you and use it. Otherwise it's your "Adult Allowance".

So give it a try and don't be afraid of it. The beauty of this technique is that at the end of the week, the money that is left over is YOURS. That's right, you don't have to put it back in your account.

                                  *~ Cassie ~*


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