The Difference Between WANT and NEED

I'm about to get really honest with y'all but I promise that it's to help you. This was explained to me in pretty much the same why when I started budgeting.

Believe it or not there is a big difference between Want and Need. For instance lets look at the definition of the two:

To WANT - "have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for"
         "I want an apple"
    synonyms: desire, wish for, hope for, aspire to, fancy, care for

To NEED - "require (something) because it is essential or very important"
        "I need help now"
    synonyms: require, be in need of, have need of

There are some people who get these two words confused when using them in their everyday lives. 

You NEED food, but you don't need $200 a week in food. It's a proven fact that when grocery shopping, most of the time we end up buying things that we actually don't need. Those items end up going bad in our pantry and are basically a waste.

You NEED clothes and shoes, but you don't need 20 pairs of shoes when you can't afford your rent. To be honest I have like 5 pairs of shoes in my closet and I mainly wear like 3 of them.........

You NEED a car, but you don't need the flashest and most luxury vehicle on the lot. Now you can always test drive them. We like to do that sometimes. It's good to dream every once in a while.

Now that we've established some things that we NEED, let's look at things that you want.

You WANT tons of high end make-up because the people on YouTube say it's the best. Actually several YouTubers have done dupes on expensive make-up that you can buy from the drugstore. RachLoves is my favorite.

You WANT a well decorated house. Ok this is the one that gets me. Don't get me wrong I love having my home decorated but to be honest it's so expensive. So I normally shop at thrift stores. But if you're blowing money you don't NEED to spend on home decor then how will you pay for the home that you NEED!!!!!

Ok I could go on and on about this topic because it's very important to understand the difference. Sure you can save money back and buy the things that you WANT. Remember that is what part of your "Adult Allowance" is far. But those things are best spent after your bills are paid and after you have at least 2 months worth of bills in savings. 

So I challenge you to write down the things that you NEED and the things that you WANT and compare them. Cause 9 times out of 10 the reason you're having trouble saving money is because you don't fully understand the difference.

                                        *~ Cassie ~*


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