Start A Home Inventory

HELLO all my Budget Friends!!!!!! Alright we're kicking off the second week of the series "How to Start A Grocery Budget".......

This next tip has to be one of the most important things to do when starting out. From the title you can pretty much guess what it is right.......

Having a good Home Inventory will not only save you money, but it will also help you to not forget the things that you have or don't have in your home.

There are a few major inventories to look at in your home but the top 4 I would say are:

     - Pantry      - Fridge      - Freezer      - Cleaning / Other

Now let's look at each one shall we........


A pantry inventory is anything consumable that isn't kept in your fridge or freezer. The way I like to do this is by cabinet. So start from the top and work your way to the bottom for each cabinet. Now you don't have to get fancy with it. A sheet of notebook paper will do the trick.

I strongly suggest keeping this inside your pantry. You can use a command hook and hang it on a clipboard. The reason I love this is because as you run out of things you can just mark it down. Pretty simple huh????


Some of y'all might call it a "refrigerator", but we just call it the "fridge"......
In our home we have a fridge and freezer. The reason why we did this is because I don't like chest freezers. So, we have a full freezer-less fridge and a full freezer.

.................Going this route honestly saved us like $800.....SERIOUSLY!!!!!.....

You're going to do this inventory the same way so think about how you want to arrange your fridge.

It's a great idea to keep this list on the front of your fridge as well. Now you can get fancy with it if you want, but I like to keep it simple.


Okay, so we've been through the other two and this is no different. The only thing I STRONGLY suggest is to rotate your food. Make sure that anything new coming in gets put to the back. I keep baskets in my freezer........

YES YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY..... Look I told y'all I was a basket fanatic!!!!

Having baskets in your fridge and freezer keeps things together so they're easier to find. What I like to do is group things in baskets. So ground beef is in one, chicken in another, pork in another........ You get the idea. But anytime I buy something new, it gets put to the back.... Rotate, Rotate, Rotate.


I just keep this list in my home management binder. I don't use this one often but it's still great to have. 

Having a Home Inventory can save you so much time and money. This is a great thing to have if your on a grocery budget. So when you're sitting down planning your grocery list, you pull this out and first think about what meals you can make from what you already have.

It also helps you to make sure that you don't run out of the things that you need.

Another great tip is keeping a dry erase board on the side of your fridge/freezer. When you run out of something you can write it on the board. The board is for things you've ran out of or will run out of. The inventory list is for knowing what you have and how much.

So that's it y'all. That's my 4 major inventories that every home should have. I hope this has helped you. And remember, you DON'T have to be fancy with it!!!!

Stay tuned for more and don't forget to Like & Share!!!!!!

*~ Cassie ~*



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