"My Story"

Well HELLO Everyone!!!!!

So I figured I would give you a little information about myself and why I think it's important to ALWAYS be "Living To Budget". Now I will start by saying that I will probably use Y'all a lot on this Blog as I'm from South Louisiana and that's just a term we use to mean "You All".

My Name is Cassie and I'm a wife, mother, Christian, and a lover of living life on a budget. But I will say that I wasn't always that way. My husband and I were married young and to be honest we didn't know much about frugal living at all. Case in point, one month we spent $300 on pizza......yes don't adjust your eyes cause you read that correctly!!!!

We hit a low point about a year after we were married. It seemed like no matter what I did we could never save money. So I spoke with a person who was close to us and she told me about her budgeting system. I'm not going to lie I laughed at her at first before I finally decided to learn. Every week for about 2 months we would go to her and her husband's house and they would show us their tips and tricks. Now that may seem easy but believe me, it wasn't. I also had to keep a detailed record of everything we spent and why. You would be shocked at the totals of random "Junk" that we actually didn't need.....

........Like spending $300 on PIZZA............I'm still not kidding..............

Seeing our totals on paper was a huge eye-opener for us. With their help, we developed our own budgeting system and began our journey. I'm not going to sugar coat it and say that it was easy and we saved  THOUSANDS of dollars in a month.........YEA NO!!!!! What we did learn from the start is to be more responsible with our money. For about 3 months we left our debit cards at home and used the cash system. We also gave ourselves an allowance of $50 a week and nothing more than that.

We learned a lot and adapted to our lifestyle which is constantly changing. In  2012, my husband had to leave our home to go off and work. That was a very hard 2 years and I traveled to see him every other weekend since I worked. One day, I decided to make a spreadsheet comparing what we spent with me traveling back and forth, using extra groceries for our home, and the number of home expenses I was using compared to if I traveled with him. 

Y'all the totals had me shocked!!!!!!! My husband and I could hardly believe that it would be cheaper for us if I traveled with him instead of staying home and working. On top of that, we wanted to start a family.

In 2014 our son was born and my how I needed those budgeting skills. Do y'all realize how expensive babies are?????? Along with budgeting, I learned how to coupon. Realizing I could save my family more money made me so excited. I get so pumped to find a great deal.

I'll have more couponing and budgeting tips for you later..........

By 2015 we decided to sell our home in the woods and travel in our camper. Just us, our son, and our two German Shepherds. You realize real quick how much JUNK you don't need when you downgrade to living in a camper. But the good thing is that it taught me the true value of things and also how to organize on a budget. I love organizing and being creative almost as much as I love budgeting.

Now we have settled but we still use those same techniques that we were taught years ago. I'm not going to say that we've never hit a rough patch cause that's far from the truth. Just recently I ended up going back to work and it was great timing too because my husband was laid off shortly after. I really had to use every trick I knew then. But things have been looking up.

So that's me!!!! Ok so that's a lot of backstory on ME  but I wanted y'all to get a sense of where I came from. I'm just a regular person who has learned through hard times, prayer, and great loved ones that you can overcome the worst that life throws at you. The trick is to stand tall and not let it control you.

                                                  *~ Cassie ~*


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