Starting A Grocery Budget

How much do you spend on groceries per week? Is it less than $100? If it's not then let's look at how much you could be saving per month.

          $100 more per week = $400 per month
          $200 more per week = $800 per month
          $300 more per week = $1200 per month

That's INSANE!!!!! There's money for your savings right there!!!!

So let's take a look at how to start a Grocery Budget..............

After you get your Bill Budget down to a comfortable amount, it's time to start a Grocery Budget. This budget is very important and it can also make a huge impact on your monthly expenses.

The key to any good budget is to use this ratio:

$100 Per Person Per Month!!!!!

....... I can hear it now........

"Cassie have you LOST your mind"!!!!!! Actually NOPE. Because I think it's crazy to spend more than that. Now take in mind if you have certain gluten-free or dietary restrictions you can go up to $150 but nothing more. 

So let's break this down, shall we......Now, this is per person in the home......

          1 person = $25   per week
          2 people = $50   per week
          3 people = $75   per week
          4 people = $100 per week
          5 people = $125 per week

Breathe, Just Breathe.......It's totally doable!!!!!!!! 

I'm serious cause I've been doing this for years and I'm telling you it can be done. But just how you have to be cautious with your bills, you need to also do that with your Grocery Budget.

Okay, so the one thing you need to understand before starting a budget is that it's not easy. Please don't come into this thinking that you can just finish your grocery list in 20 minutes and go shopping. NO!!!! Because you will end up spending over your budget. This takes time, practice, and above all else...DISCIPLINE!!! You seriously have to put in the time and effort to achieve your goal budget. 

I will be posting how to plan a grocery list to make sure you stay under your budget so don't freak out on me. 😊  

To make sure I stay on track, I like to use the Envelope System. It's the easiest way I've found to stay focused and under budget. I will be posting a video on this shortly because it's honestly the best way to keep you on track. 

I can promise you that if you use these methods, you WILL save money on your groceries and actually be able to put money into savings.

So starting today, I want you to look through your checkbook and write down how much you spent on groceries and consumables last month and total it up. Was it over the ratio?

Now go back to the beginning of this post and look how much you're overspending if you're not within the ratio. Makes a huge difference doesn't it.

Whatever you do, DO NOT spend money on fast food or eating out!!! Especially if you're on a budget. I can't stress that enough. There is no point in you spending the time to make a strict grocery budget and then blowing money on fast food when you can cook at home. Now I'm not saying you can't go out to eat as a family. Sure you can, but try doing that once a month for a while.

Remember this takes time. It won't happen overnight. You have to be patient and WANT to do it. I can promise you that if your heart isn't in it and everyone isn't on board.......It Will Never Work!!!!! So think about that before you commit to the Grocery Budget.

I want to see those totals for last month cause we're going to knock that down to the ratio.

Stay tuned for more!!!!!!!


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