Bills, Bill, and MORE Bills

We all have them and we all hate paying them.

That's right it's called BILLS!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, you have to pay your bills but there is an easy way that you can make the task so much easier.

First, I will go back and refer to a previous post. If you have sat down and totaled up your bills VS your income and your bills are more.......

You might want to rethink a few things like the LUXURY bills you have such as cable, extra data cellphone plans, and fancy cars.

So let's get into the Bill Budget and why it's important to have:

    - You know what bills you have and the amount
    - You know when your bills are due and make sure you're not paying them
       after their due date
    - You know how how much you need to set aside from your income to make
      sure your bills are paid
    - You know how much you have left over to spend after all of your bills are 

One trick I was taught is to make sure mostly all of your bills are paid at the 1st of the month. The reason why this is great is because for the rest of the month you're making sure that you're setting money aside.

There are some people that will open a checking account just for their bills. You set a certain amount aside every week just for your bills. Then when the 1st of the month comes, you know that you have the money to pay your bills.

Alright so now I want you to grab a sheet of paper or open an Excel spreadsheet. Write down every bill that you have in the order of when they're due.
Don't forget daycare!!!!!!

Next to each bill write the amount or something close to what you pay a month. I like to go a little higher just in case. Also write when they're due and how you pay for them. Either with a check, direct draft, cash, or app.

Now total it up........................ So what's your total?????

Okay so let's look at your income. What is your income a month and a week?

To figure out what you would have left use this formula:

                         Income (-) Bill Expense = ???

See that was easy huh? I said it before and I'll say it again. If your bills are more then your income, you have to to rethink a few things. You will never be able to save money or buy the things you want if you never have any money left over.

Take in mind this is just your BILLS!!!! We haven't even covered groceries, gas, household expenses, tithing, or anything else that you spend money on a month.

That is why when it comes to having a good budget you need to start with your bills. Those things that we hate paying will always be there so make sure that you have bills that you NEED and not WANT. Especially if you don't have the extra money to pay for them.

****If you want to win a FREE Bill Budget Spreadsheet, stay tuned. I love keeping everything on a spreadsheet with Excel. It's the easiest thing to use.

*~ Cassie ~*


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