How To Plan Your Grocery List

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!!!! 

I want you to think about how many times a week you go to the store and also how much you spend each time you go. Better yet, how many times you went to the store and forgot your list.......

We're all guilty of it. Unfortunately when we do this, we usually spend more money that we really don't need to spend. It happens all the time and we end up regretting it when we balance our checkbooks.

So here are some ways to help you with your Grocery Budget to make sure that you NEVER do this again.............. Are you ready??????

I'm going to show you the steps I take to plan my Grocery List.

1) Take Inventory - it's always a great idea to look through your fridge and pantry to see what you have. Most of the time you can find meals based on what you have in stock.......stockpiling is great too.

2) Check your Sales Papers - One of the best apps I use for this is called Flipp. You can find all of your sales papers for your area and make a grocery list from the things that are on sale. Also check out the Krazy Coupon Lady. They have an app as well that you can use to see what coupons to use to get the best deal.

3) ONLY BUY WHAT'S ON SALE!!!! - I can't stress this enough. The only way you can save money on your grocery budget is to buy what's on sale and that's it. Most of the time I will look at Walmart and Rouses, which is the two major stores in my area, and decide which one has the best deals. Mainly pay attention to the first and last page of the sales paper. Most of the time the rest is just filler.

4) Build your Weekly Menu based on what's on SALE - Very important to do this. If there's a great sale on chicken then stock up and have a chicken week. Don't go out and buy a roast that's marked at full price. That's just crazy!!!! 

5) Meal Plan Meal Plan!!! - Not only does this save you money but it also helps save your sanity. No more coming home from work freaking out because you don't know what to cook. We have a weekly menu that I have on our freezer. I change it out every Sunday.

6) Try to plan 3 large meals a week - WHAT???? Yes you heard me 3!! Think about it, you only have to cook 3 times plus you save money. It's called LEFTOVERS people and there's nothing wrong with it!!!!!!!!!! 

7) Pantry Pick Week or Day - I do this often. At least once a month I won't go shopping 1 week. We will eat what we have stocked or meals I've done in bulk that are in our freezer......more on that later. You can also pick days out of the week for a Pantry Pick or as I sometimes like to call them DIY. Some of the best meals I've made came out of an experiment from things we already have. Some of y'all know about my "Chicken Surprise" lol.

8) Don't forget your Grocery Budget - I like to make a list of everything I want to buy and write the totals beside them. Then I total everything up. If it's over my budget, I rethink my list until it's lower.  

9) Never leave home without your list - As soon as I make my list it goes straight in my wallet that way I can make sure I have it with me at all times. Also, only buy what's on your list!!!!!!! THAT'S RIGHT. 

10) Choose an "Errand" day & shop at 1 store once a week - If you're going to several stores, chances are you will spend more money at each store. The only time I break this rule is if there is a great sale at Dollar General on cleaning supplies. Honestly I mainly shop there and Target for cleaning supplies. They both have great apps with digital coupons plus I get 5% off at Target every time I shop there.......Yea that post is coming.

Okay so all of this may seem like a lot but honestly it's not. Think about how often you have your phone in your hands. Can't tell me that during all that time you can't make a Budget Grocery List that will save your family money.

But always remember the ratio:

$100 Per Person Per Month...... and NOTHING MORE!!!!!

If you want me to post a video of exactly how I plan my Grocery List I will be glad to. Just leave a comment down below.

Remember to start off slow. Don't try to overdo it when you're just starting because I promise that you will get burnt out. Also stay away from the big Walmart. There's a reason why they call it the Devil. You end up just going for groceries and then you see all the great deals. Next thing you know.....BAM you've just spent $300!!!!!!!! I like the Neighborhood Walmart and my local grocery store.

Try shopping by yourself to make sure that you stay focused and ONLY buy what's on your list. I'm serious......ONLY what is you your LIST. And whatever you do....Don't go shopping when you're hungry!!!! Just Don't.

The best tip I can give you is to try and have fun with it. Make it a game to see how much you can save that week. I don't know about y'all, but I get excited when I only spend $25 instead of all of my $75 Grocery Budget. I make it a goal to get it as low as possible. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. The point is that I tried and that's all you can ask for.

*~ Cassie ~*



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