Tip Tuesday.....Valentine's Day Edition

Some people have a Love/Hate relationship with Valentine's Day. It's a holiday that was pretty much created for the retail industry and can be extremely expensive. 

I've never understood why people spend so much money on this day. I love my husband dearly and flowers are beautiful.....but it's not worth $50 nor do I like "Because it's Valentine's Day" flowers. Sorry it's just not my thing.

So here are a few ways you can save money this Valentine's Day and actually make it special.

Celebrate the day after....

There is nothing in the rules of this made up holiday that says you HAVE to celebrate on this day. To be honest my husband and I hardly ever celebrate this day.....and we're married.

One reason why it's a great idea to celebrate the day after is because all the flowers, candy, and other VDay novelty items will be on sale so they can get rid of them. Why be forced to pay their high marked up prices when you can wait and get these items for up to 50% or 70% cheaper. 

Save Baby Save!!!!!!!

Another reason why is because you can actually eat where you want and not have to fight hundreds of people. Look nothing aggravates me more than to have to wait 40 minutes to get a table only for the restaurant to be loud and you can't even have a conversation with your loved one. Not only that, every time we've tried to go out and eat on this day they end up messing up my order. They're crazy busy and overwhelmed so it's no wonder this happens.


If you choose to celebrate on this day, I have a few tips and tricks for you to save money and make it special.

1) Coupons.....Coupons....

Ya'll know I'm all about the coupons. You can find coupons for restaurants, flowers, candy, etc. Just search online ahead of time and get amazing deals. They'll appreciate the gesture more if you actually save money.

2) Dinner At Home....

There is nothing wrong with preparing their favorite meal at home. We do this all the time even if it's not Valentine's Day. Set up a nice table setting and include a sweet treat.

Can't cook.......Order take out from their favorite place.

3) Handmade Gifts Are Better....

Maybe this is just a me thing but I prefer something handmade and from the heart more than I prefer something bought. Flowers are beautiful don't get me wrong......but I would rather know he stopped on the side of the road and picked flowers over going to a flower shop.....weird I know!!!!

Hand written letters from the heart are keepsakes. I don't know about your significant other, but mine is a man of very few words who doesn't normally do things like this. I know he loves me with all his heart...doesn't mean he has to say it all the time. So when I receive a hand written love letter or facebook post from him expressing his love I cherish it!!!!! That to me is better than anything he could've bought at a store.

4) Breakfast In Bed....

I'm all for this one. I'm not a morning person at all, but if my man brought me coffee and breakfast in bed that would be awesome. Just Saying!!!!

5) Rent a Movie....

Who says you HAVE to go to the movies. Maybe it's because I'm a mom.....But renting a movie and snuggling up with my love and watching a movie sounds pretty good.

The only negative side to this is that there's not much conversation. Now if you pair this with a romantic dinner at home and than a movie.....That's a win!!!!!

I could go on and on.....Here's the main thing to consider, there is no right or wrong way to celebrate Valentine's Day. The important thing is to make it special for your loved one. There's no sense at all in spending hundreds of dollars on a made up holiday.

Also look at it this way, you don't have to outdo everyone with an "Over The Top" gift. I've watched women get so mad because their man didn't do as good as someone else's. It's not a competition people.

Be thankful for the little things and don't look at how much was spent. My husband will be off working this Valentine's Day but that's okay cause I know we can celebrate it any given day of the year.

*~ Cassie ~*


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