Tip Tuesday........Bulk Cooking

A lot of people think that cooking in Bulk is hard but honestly it's not. The trick I found is to keep it simple. Sure you can scroll through millions of Pins and create a board.......cause you know you did!!!!! I prefer to think outside the box.
Alright, so I've seen so many people get all worked up over meal prepping and for those that don't know, meal prepping is when you make a bunch of meals ahead of time and freeze them.

It's actually a great idea except for the fact that.....to me personally.....IT WORKS MY LAST NERVE!!!!!!!

I'm not kidding!!! I end up getting so stressed out and then I have to clean that mess!!!! 


It is a great way to save you time and money. ONLY if done correctly because yes there is a way to do this incorrectly and painfully. 

Here's a few tips and tricks for you:


I can't stress this enough. If you're not use to Meal Prepping than take it slow. Start off with doing two meals and work your way up from there.


It's always best to set aside one day a week that you will do your Meal Prep.

Yes I know......the title clearly says Bulk Cooking and I'm talking about Meal Prep!!!! 

Okay to be honest, I DON'T MEAL PREP.....LIKE EVER!!!!! I don't set aside days to cook or anything like that. I know several people that do and I think it's great. Unfortunately, it's not for me.

I prefer BULK COOKING!!!!!!

What's the difference you ask???? Well the difference is that I'm not setting aside days to cook a bunch of meals nor am I cooking a bunch of different things at one time. My method is a little bit easier.


I don't really change the way I cook or have a certain day I cook in bulk. If I want to make extra meals I can freeze, I just cook more. If I'm going to make a casserole dish than I'm going to buy a little extra so that I can freeze another dish. I was already planning on cooking that meal......just twice!!! And honestly most of the time I can throw everything together and put it in the freeze.

2) LEFTOVERS!!!!!!!

Look I'm here to tell you that some people take leftovers seriously. I love leftovers so much. It means an extra day of food and I don't have to cook. But after a while you get tired of eating it right!!!! What I like to do is freeze any leftovers we might have. No wasted food and I have dinner for another night.


Naturally the little freezer you have that's connected to your refrigerator isn't going to be big enough. I would strongly suggest investing in either a chest freezer or my personal favorite.....a stand up freezer. 

There are so many different things you can freeze.

See that wasn't so hard now was it. Don't stress over Bulk Cooking....Meal Prepping....whatever you want to call it. Keep it simple and just start off small. If you start by simply freezing your leftovers, you would be surprised at how much money you could save. 

Give it a try and see if it works for you.


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