Tip Tuesday......5 Reasons People Don't Budget

I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday. Today I want to discuss the reasons why people choose not to budget.

I understand that budgeting might not be everyone's cup of tea but there are so many benefits if you just give it a try. I've heard several different reasons from many people so I decided to give you the Top 5 reasons why people don't budget.

1) "We don't need to budget".....

Look I'm not here to tell anyone what to do or how to live their life, but I hear this all the time. It doesn't matter how much money you make because there could come a time when that salary you've gotten accustom to is no longer there.

"We're managing just fine without it"..... 

That may be true, but if you're in debt and can't pay your bills.....that's not managing......that's struggling. There's nothing wrong with admitting there's a problem and trying to fix it.

2) "That takes too much time".....

Ok so this is HALF true. Budgeting does take time and planning but nothing worth doing is ever easy. No one is going to do it for you. 

If you can set time aside to play on your phone than you can DEFINITELY set time aside to budget. It's not rocket science and it doesn't take much to start saving money.

3) "My significant other doesn't want to".....

This one is a bit tricky. You can't force someone to do something that they don't want to. And I'm not suggesting you give them an ultimatum.

Positive encouragement is the best way to handle this situation. I did a whole blog post on this particular topic
                   Click HERE to view the post

If they see you getting excited and saving money, chances are that they will want to contribute. 

4) "I really don't know how to budget".....

Admitting that you don't know how to do something doesn't show weakness and shouldn't make you feel scared to try something.

When we first started out I didn't know how to budget. Thankfully we had some awesome people that took the time to help us. 

The problem with this reason is that a lot of times we have to much pride and don't want to admit that something is wrong or that we need help.

BUT if you decide you want to learn I'm here to help. ALWAYS!!!!!!

5) "I had budget burnout and I'm tired".....

This is probably more common than you think. Several people get "Budget Burnout". In some cases they think they have everything under control and slowly start resorting back to their old habits. It's sad but true.

I will be making a blog post soon on how to avoid "Budget Burnout".

Don't look at budgeting as a job but as an opportunity to save your family money. You don't have to be the best at it. Having a budget isn't to get rich. The purpose of a Home Budget is to better your household and save for those unexpected things in life. 

There's nothing wrong with admitting you have a problem and fixing it. Budget to save money for a home, car, vacation, college,...etc.

There are more reasons why budgeting is an improvement and less reasons why it isn't.

Give it a shot!!!! What could it hurt????

*~ Cassie ~*


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