Walmart Grocery Pickup Review

I honestly can't say enough about the Walmart Grocery Pickup. It has been such a game changer for how I grocery shop. As promised, I will give you my full review of the Pros and Cons of using this service.

So let's get started, shall we..........

1. No Fuss!!!!!

Look ya'll know I'm going to always be honest on my blog. I don't know about you but I HATE grocery shopping. Like with a not kidding. The fact that I can use a FREE service and have someone fight the store for me is awesome. Sure that may sound lazy but when you have a toddler the last thing you want to do after work is go fight the crazy mob at Walmart. 

No thank you!!!!!

I guess it's the whole act of grocery shopping that I don't like. You have to take it off the shelf and into your buggy to put it on the checkout counter to put it back in your buggy to put it in your car to take it out of the car to bring it into the house and then FINALLY........put it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a workout. Now I just have to take it out of my car, bring it into the house, and put it away.

CONS: Someone else is touching your groceries but so are the hundreds of other people that have as well.......just saying.

2. Saves Time!!!!!

It's a proven fact that using this service will save you time....and a headache. Face it, when you walk into the store it's going to take you maybe 20 minutes to shop. The part that I hate is checking out cause we all know that only 3 lanes will be open and everyone else is trying to shop and get out of there at the same time. I can literally check-in when I pick up my son from daycare and I'm sitting in the pickup spot in 6 minutes. These people are so good that I barely have to wait 1 minute before they're bringing my groceries out to me. Not only that, they even load it in my car. 


Yes, you read that correctly. In less than 10 minutes from the time I left work, I have my groceries in my car and I'm on my way home. Normally this would've taken me an hour. As a busy mom, I just don't have that kind of time. Now I'm home and starting dinner by 6pm when it would've been taken out.


3. Saves Money!!!!!

If you're sticking to your Grocery Budget like you should then this will save you even more. My budget is $500 when you include groceries and household items. Most months I will hit just under that. Last month using the Walmart Grocery Pickup my household only spent $288. 

That's a $212 difference!!!!!!!!

I was shocked when I saw the numbers. The reason why you save money is that you're only buying what you need. Let's face it we can try and stick to our list but there's always going to be those items that make their way into our buggy. As you're adding items to your cart on the app it's showing what your total will be including tax. So if it looks like you're going to go over your budget you can just take something out of your cart. It's really that easy.

CON: You can't use manufacturer coupons. Because these coupons are used in the store, you can't use them with this service because you've already paid for the order. Instead, I use rebate apps like Ibotta, Checkout51, and Walmart Savings Catcher.

4. Substitutions & Cash Back!!!!! 

When I placed my second order, I wanted to find out what they do when a certain item you ordered isn't in stock at that store. I was surprised to realize their policy. If they can, they will try to find you a similar product that might be of more value. 

Example: I ordered the medium can of Great Value coffee  - 30.5oz for $5.94. Apparently, they were out of that size. So they gave me the Value size   - 48oz for $8.48. That's a $2.54 difference that I wasn't charged. Now I've tried this out several times because I know my Walmart very well and it's always the same result.

Also, if you order a product and they don't have it in stock they will credit your account. I didn't realize they did this until I was balancing my checkbook. I sat there for 10 minutes trying to figure out where the difference was coming from and I found it. They don't actually charge your account until you pick up your order. So I had already written my order down in my checkbook but when I picked it up there was one item they couldn't substitute so they credited my account.

Con: If they don't have your item you ordered you might not be able to receive it. But they do credit your account back.

5. Reserve Your Time & Date!!!!!

This is sort of a Pro and a Con. I like the fact that I can reserve my time and date. Normally I like to schedule my pickup date for Monday. The reason is because I will look through the sales paper on Sunday and figure out between that and Ibotta what I want to order. But there are times when I forget or I'm lazy......Hey, it happens!!!!! Being able to reserve my time is awesome. When I run out of items I just pull out my phone and add them to my cart. 

BUT....... You can't reserve you Time & Date a week in advance. Why I have no idea and I wish they would fix this problem. From what I found, it will reserve your Time & Date three days in advance. Anything after that you lose your spot. Walmart I really need this fixed!!!!!

CON: Depending on what time you place your order the day before you might not be able to get it the next day. This happened to me last night. I had forgotten to actually hit the checkout button and I wasn't able to pick up my order until Tuesday......So I had to go into the store......I cried a little don't get me

Well, there are my Pros and Cons of using the Walmart Grocery Pickup. Like I said I'm in love with this service and will continue to use it. Let me know in a comment if you use this service and what your thoughts are.



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