Juggling Work, Life, Budgeting, Motherhood....ETC!!!!

I don't know about you but I always feel like my life is a juggling act. I can't be the only one that gets that way sometimes...RIGHT??

I wear many different juggling hats and as a full-time working wife & mother and budget blogger, things can seem a little out of control at times. So a few days ago, someone asked me how I kept everything together without losing my mind. Don't get me wrong I had to laugh cause Lord if she only knew how many times I've almost lost my mind.

For the past month, my husband has been working nights during the week which has been a HUGE adjustment for my little family. As my partner in life, he's always been there to help where it's needed and not having him here makes things difficult. When he is home on the weekend we try very hard to make sure that we're spending quality time.

So how do I juggling everything in my life????? 


I'm going to share with ya'll a few tips and tricks I use to help. Look running a strong budget house takes a lot of work I'm not going to lie. And I didn't realize that starting the blog and the budget challenge would take up time but thankfully I've found a way.

1. Google Calendar 

So if you've seriously never checked out the Google Calendar you're missing out!!!!! There are so many things I love about Google Calendar. First off you can view it on your computer or download the app and use it on your phone. I have several different calendars on there from my bills, my blog, our work schedule, birthdays, and important events.

I also love the Cozi app as well but I found that I couldn't do as many things to it as I can Google Calendar.

2. FlyLady.net

I could never say enough about how much FlyLady.net has helped my family. I've been using their methods for years and it's become very important on how we run our household. They help you control the chaos. I know I've talked about this several times on my blog and facebook. If you have a busy home like me, then I strongly suggest you use their routines. I'm an OCD perfectionist and that's just my nature. They've shown me that I can't control everything and that I should take pride in the little things I'm able to accomplish and not focus on the things I didn't.

3. Have Routines

Studies have shown that when you have a routine you can improve your mental health and your life. Sure there are times when things just happen and we can't always stick to a routine but we try very hard. For me, it helps me function. I'm one of those weird people who like writing out To-Do-Lists and planning, so having a routine was a no-brainer for me. We're sometimes so strict on our routine that by about 6 pm, the dogs are barking at me if we haven't fed them yet.

4. Walmart Grocery Pickup 
Ok.....there have been a lot of people with mixed reviews on me starting the Grocery Pickup conversation. Honestly, I've been able to save myself so much time and money that I totally think it's worth it. After working a full day, the LAST thing I want to do is deal with The Devil's Playground with a toddler that's tired and ready to be home. He's not bad in the store don't get me wrong but it's not worth it to me. Now I order my groceries the day before and pick which time I want to pick them up. I check-in when I'm leaving work, I pick up my son, and I'm sitting at Walmart in less than 10 minutes. The ladies are so nice and it only takes me 1 minute when I arrive. By 5:30 pm I'm heading home. Now if I would've gone in the store, I wouldn't be heading home until after 6pm....NO THANK YOU!!!!!

5. Bulk & Freezer Cooking

I've said this so many times but I'll say it again. By bulk and freezer cooking I've been able to save my family money and save me time in the afternoons. It's so simple and I can't understand why more people aren't doing it. If I'm going to make a large meal, I make sure to double it and then freeze it that night. Also, if I've made to much, we will eat leftovers the next night and then I will freeze the remaining of that. There's no sense in it going to waste. Take it out of the freezer the night before or that morning and all you have to do is warm it up. BAM.....you have dinner.

There are probably several other things that I could've mentioned but these are the basic things that we live by in our home. I'm not perfect by any means and there are several days where I come home and I'm like......UM NO NOT TODAY!!!!! For me, it's setting times aside for certain things I have to do and if they don't get done that day then I'll try again next time. Keep it simple and realize that you can't control everything, but you can juggle like a pro if you work at it.


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