Telling The Truth

As humans, there are times in our lives when we don't tell the whole truth. This doesn't necessarily mean that we're lying but it does mean that we're not being completely honest. Everyone at some point or another does this whether we're not being completely honest with others or with ourselves. 

There are several reasons why we as humans do this. Don't beat yourself up if one of these reasons pertain to you. Think of this as an eye opener for the reason why you're not Telling The Truth.

- You're Living Condition

Sometimes our living condition isn't what we would want it to be or we feel that it's not good enough to share. Sure we would all LOVE for our homes to look like the well decorate homes we see on Pinterest but let's get real unless you make great money or you're super crafty chances are that it's not. We may take pictures of certain areas of our home that look decent or we're not the best housekeepers and we need at least 2 hours notice before you show up. I don't know about you but it seems to me that everyone wants to come over when my house isn't clean vs when it's spotless. 

We may feel embarrassed about our neighborhood or the size and condition of our home. You can choose where you live but sometimes financially your choices can be slim. I would say that I'm guilty of this one. When we bought our home in Central Louisiana I fell in love with it. Newly remodeled home on 2 acres. It was our dream home. We ended up selling it a few years later due to my husband's work. Knowing we couldn't afford to rent anything in South Louisiana we decided to buy a trailer in a trailer park and fix it up. I'm not embarrassed about my home because it's paid for but it's still unfished. 

- Yourself

Admit it.....sometimes we're not completely telling the truth about ourselves. Now, this could be about our weight, what make-up we use, or even our beliefs. I've seen too many times where someone will act a certain way in front of one group of people and act a totally different way around other groups of people. It's best to be true to yourself and who you are. 

Look there is nothing wrong with drugstore makeup and buying clothes from the thrift store. But some people aren't honest about these types of things. I will tell anyone that I shop at the thrift store and I'm proud of it. I've gotten more compliments on my thrifted outfits and drugstore makeup than I ever did with my high end get up. I don't like when people bring others down just because they don't wear high end or don't dress in the latest trends. As long as you feel good about yourself as a person then that shouldn't matter. 

- You're Financial Situation 

Come on ya'll knew this was coming right??? Your financial situation has to be the top thing that we aren't being completely honest about. No one wants to admit when they're struggling or when they need help. I think it's more of a pride thing. We try to be flashy with the things we have but would never actually show anyone our checkbook. Let's face it, would you actually open your checkbook up and show people or tell them how much debt you have. 

It's one thing to blow money and a different thing to struggle when you're trying. I've shared my story several times and people are really interested in it. The one thing I have learned is that not everyone wants to talk about money especially when you want them to open up about their financial situation. They want to hear tips and tricks but they don't want to come out and say "I need help"!!!! On any given day someone can ask me what I have in my checking accounts and I'll be honest and show them but I don't think several people would do the same. 

People want to know about how to save on their grocery budget but when it comes to actually following the steps it doesn't always happen. So they try to act like they don't need help so that no one knows they're having a hard time. 

As I said, there are several reasons why we aren't telling the truth because we're human. I want you to think about what you aren't being honest about. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Focus on being more open to the people around you and with yourself. Understand that there is nothing wrong with asking for help but also understand that when asking for help you have to be Telling The Truth.


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