Truth About Your Christmas Budget

Alright everyone, it's time to have a serious discussion about your Christmas Budget. I've thought long and hard about how I wanted to do this so here it goes!!!!!

As I previously stated in the last post about your Christmas budget.....If you're on a tight budget already than you really don't need to spend that much on Christmas. Some people go way over the top and make this season into a competition when that's not what it should be. I will never understand why some people feel the need to spend thousands of dollars on Christmas. Honestly, I think that's way over the top and really ridiculous. That's just my personal opinion so take that for what it's worth.

Christmas isn't a competition between your in-laws, family members, neighbors, co-workers,........etc. You shouldn't be looking at who has the best decorated home, who bought the best gifts, or even cooked the most. That's not what the true meaning of Christmas is about........... Like I said it's quite ridiculous. 

Look ya'll know that I'm going to give it to you straight and I won't sugar coat it. If you're first thought about this holiday is what you are might have the wrong attitude. I always think of myself last and to be honest, I tell my husband not to buy me anything at all.

When you sit down to consider your Christmas Budget, I want you to first think about the kids. They should be the #1 concern and always the first person you buy for. Now, I'm not saying to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on your kids....NO!!!!! Give within reason. 

Remember that gifts from the heart are worth more than something you spent a lot of money on. If I'm going to give a gift to a loved one you can bet that I've spent time in thinking about what I can give them that would be meaningful. 

I'm more about the family traditions than what someone bought someone else. To be honest....does your child really remember what you bought them three years ago? Do you remember everything you received and from whom?????

Case in point......when I was 11, my family went through a tough time. Now of course I didn't know about this at the time because my parents didn't want to tell me that. As a parent, I can completely understand that. That Christmas, my dad had just finished putting down a new wood floor in their bedroom. We had a bunch of left over pieces of wood. My mom had the idea to make "Christmas Minis". We all went to the store and bought mini plastic candy canes, beads, spray paint, and other things to decorate our minis. 

When we arrived back home, we all went outside and tried to pick the best pine cones we could find. I remember us all sitting on the living room floor and decorating our Christmas Tree Minis. I was so excited that after we were finished I wanted to give them to all our family and friends. At first I think my parents thought I was joking. So we all drove around and handed out our minis. 

Here's the thing, I remember the joy I felt handing these homemade gifts out. I remember that Fats Domino Christmas was playing in the back ground and the smell of the candle that my mom had burning in the kitchen. I remember what we were all wearing. I also remember us dancing in the living room and playing cards after. 

I remember all of this....BUT....I can't tell you what I received for Christmas that year. I know I opened presents from my parents and other family members but I honestly don't know what they were. I only remember us making our homemade gifts and the joy it brought me. Still to this day, it's one of my most treasured Christmas memories!!!! 

So I challenge you all to making lasting memories with your children and family. Stop looking at the dollar amount and treating this precious holiday as a competition. Teach your children the TRUE meaning of Christmas. If you can do that.......I know you will make a lastly impression on their lives forever.

I'm so thankful to my parents for teaching my what the true meaning of Christmas is. And I'm also thankful to my husband for helping me pass that on to our son.

*** Dedicated to my Mom & Dad ***

*~ Cassie ~*



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