Tip Tuesday....Controlling Chaos......Flylady.net


If you haven't heard of FlyLady than you're seriously missing out!!!! I don't know about ya'll......but I have a lot of chaos in my home. I have a toddler and I'm a full-time working mother and wife. Chaos seems to be a daily struggle around here. 

Thankfully I have FlyLady to help out with some of that stress. I'm not going to lie.....I'm a bit of a perfectionist and OCD. It's my downfall but my husband says it's a good one. I've struggle for years wanting everything to be perfect in our home and after having a child I realized it doesn't have to be perfect all the time.

FlyLady was founded by Marla Cilley. It's a wonderful website that helps you control the chaos in your home easily. One of the things I love about the website is that they give you simple routines to follow that aren't complicated. They have helped me realize that everything doesn't have to be perfect.

The websites gives you baby step instructions on how to start controlling the chaos that way you can get use to the idea. Another great thing is that they help you break your home into Zones so that you're not trying to tackle everything at one time. Basically you set your timer for 30 minutes to an hour and you start cleaning in whichever Zone you're in that week. Now here is where I struggled at first, after the timer goes off you're DONE!!!! Yes that's right.....YOU'RE DONE!!!! 

Following their simple routines and zones helped me get focused on what I needed to do and when. I'm one of those weird people that love checklist and routines. If I don't have a checklist in front of me then I can't focus on what I need to do.

Another great thing about FlyLady is that they now have an app that you can use to keep you on track. Let's face it.......you know as well as I do that you normally always have your cell phone on you. When you download the app, you will have access to all of your routines and to-do-list that you can check off as you go about your day.

I strongly suggest that you give it a try. I've been using their method since 2010 and we still love it. Now I've adapted the routines to our lifestyle and schedule but it's a great tool to get you started. Hey what do you have to lose????

*~ Cassie ~*



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