How To Get You Significant Other Involved

I know.....sometimes it's hard doing it alone. But think about trying to get your significant other involved. You can't do a household budget by yourself if the people in your home aren't on board. It's nearly impossible. That's why it's very important to sit them down and discuss every detail of the budget along with the data to back it up......I guess look at it as a sales pitch for a company. Now I'm not a marriage counselor. I just know what worked for us.

Here's how I did it.

We had been wondering for a while where all our money was going. It seemed like every month we could never get ahead. Then it would start the argument over WHO was spending the money. You all know that one!!!!!!

For a few months, I started keeping a running tab of everything we were spending. Now, this included bills, groceries, other, what he spent, and what I spent. I started an Excel spreadsheet and I would plug in all of my numbers for the month and total everything up.

After a while, I started noticing a pattern. So one day we sat down and I showed him all the totals for the past months and laid everything out for him to see. I will tell you that he was just as shocked as I was. There it was in all its glory. The amount of money that was spent on junk!!!!!

I would say that in its self was enough to make my husband decide that we really needed to make a change. But I understand that some people aren't like that. We had our share of downfalls too don't get me wrong.

If that doesn't work, then try giving them an incentive. You know that there's something that they want. So go up to them and say ok if that's what you want then help me with the budget so we can save for it. 

I understand sometimes that it can be difficult to get them involved, but try to stay positive. Don't always show them the negative. Budget for a family vacation or a new car. There are so many reasons to save money.

So if that still doesn't work then do the budget anyways. When you come home from a great shopping trip and you were able to stay under budget......GET EXCITED!!!! Show them the joy it brought you to save money. My husband loves when I get excited about a great deal or the fact that I was able to find a new way to help us.

Being positive is the key. If you're not positive about it than how can you expect them to be.

Well, that's just a few tips I have for y'all. Stay positive and try to get them involved because I promise you that once you do......The possibilities are endless.


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