Budget Meals........Cheeseburger Sliders!!!!

Ok so this is such an easy and fast recipe!!!!! Now is it what I would call healthy.....Um NO......but it's healthy on your wallet. Besides, who doesn't like a good cheesy burger right??????

I found this recipe while flipping through the Millions of recipe videos on Facebook. You know the ones I'm talking about. I saved the video months ago and I completely forgot about it. I was sitting down one day trying to figure out what in the world I was going to feed us on a budget.

Scanning back through my saved videos I rediscovered this gem. I present to you......Easy Cheeseburger Sliders!!!! 

This is what you will need for the recipe:
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 medium onion diced
  • 1 pk hamburger buns.......or you can buy the Hawaiian Rolls
  • sliced cheese
  • seasonings
That's it!!!!!! I was actually able to make this dinner for under $10 since I bought most of the ingredients on sale at my local grocery store.

Start by preheating your oven to 350 and brown your ground beef and onions until the meat is cooked.

Lay out your burger bottoms in a 13x9 baking dish. I bought the larger buns so it made 6 burgers.

By this point your ground beef and onions should be ready to drain. Go ahead and seasons your meat with whatever seasonings you want. Give it some flavor and mix it up!!!!

As you can tell there was a lot of grease in my pot!!!!! Yea we can't have that. I normally let my ground meat drain for about 5 minutes. That's just my preference. And if you watched my kitchen hacks video you will see why I drain my meat like this.

But in case you missed it....... here is the link to watch it!!!!!

Once you've let the meat mixture drain, scoop mixture on top of the buns. You don't have to be perfect with it.......I realize my Perfectionist self is saying that!!!!

Now it's time to add the cheese!!!!! Add a double layer or single. Depends on how cheesy you want it.

Add your tops and you're ready to put it in the oven. Now I have no idea HOW this happened......but somehow I ended up with a bottom as a top. We just went with it. Doesn't have to look pretty as long as it's good!!!!!!

And lastly, bake in the oven uncovered for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the cheese is melted. I say this because the recipe called for it to bake for 25 minutes and the buns were a little hard.

Take your sliders out of the oven and plate up. Yes I'm using that beautiful paper fine china........ Don't judge me!!!!!! It was a super easy and laid back night.

Bake some fries or pair it with chips. They were so good and sadly we had NO leftovers. My husband had three!!!!!!

So like I said, while not the most healthy meal...... it definitely was budget friendly, delicious, and easy!!!!! That's a win for my little family.

Give it a try and let me know what you think by posting a comment down below.

*~ Cassie ~*


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