Coronavirus: Top 10 Mom Survival Guide Tips

Hey everyone and welcome back to Living To Budget. I know I've been away for a while and there's a lot going on in the world at the moment. I wanted to catch everyone up on where we are right now and how we're handling the pandemic that is the "Coronavirus".

Our family is now back down to three...well and two dogs. We've had plenty of ups and downs in the past few months but we're still going strong. I tend to take a break from time to time and try to regroup which is why I've been away. Getting our household back to order was my main focus and because of that, I needed to step away from video for a while.

A couple of weeks ago I wanted to jump back into it full force only to realize that the world had one serious problem...Covid19. Every video I thought about doing just didn't seem important. I figured I would share with everyone how we were handling the crisis. Like most people, we're staying home and trying the best we can to keep everything clean. I laugh when I say this only because I have an almost 6yr old that is like a walking germ magnet.

Watch my YouTube Video......Top 10 Mom Survival Guide Tips


One of the most important things you can do to stop the spread of this virus is to make sure that your hands stay clean and away from your face. I know this sounds easier said than done but you would be surprised how many times the average person touches their face in one day. every time you think about it......WASH YOUR HANDS. Working in a bank for several years I learned the importance of this and to not touch my face. The problem is getting my son to do this. Next thing you know he has his finger in his nose and then touches his tablet.....It's an ongoing problem that I'm sure all moms can relate to.


I never thought in a million years that one of the biggest problems we would have is finding toilet paper...SMH. I'll be honest, we didn't think it was serious at first until it spread like wildfire. All my followers know that I mainly only shop for the week and not for the month. This made it completely hard to find things we needed and I had to change the way I shopped. Now, we've been sticking to our local Dollar General and ordering groceries online for delivery. The problem with this is that it now takes up to two days for us to receive it. At least that's better than going to Walmart.


I'll have a separate blog post on this. With the kids out of school, it's important to make sure that those brains are doing something other than watching tv and playing on their tablets. I know those can be great babysitters but they need more than that. Thankfully the schools here have been posting links and assignments using Google Classroom that helps us, parents. Now we're not doing school work all day. Just a few hours a day will really help to make sure that they're still getting an education. Although, make sure you stock up on the wine.

                                                   (More to come on this topic later)


This will sort of go with #3. Having a block schedule is great to have all the time because it helps you manage your day and tasks that you want to complete. I've just started doing this a couple months ago and I love it. I use to just keep a list of everything I needed to get done. Now I allow myself a certain amount of time to complete things. Make sure to schedule in some downtime for yourself. I can't take credit for this on though. I first learned about it from Jordan Paige from Many people have adapted it to their needs since. I'll have a free printable for anyone who is interested.


Ok I know I shouldn't have to explain this one but we all know that when kids get bored, they snack....a lot!!!! One thing that we've tried to do is set up snack baskets. If they are hungry, they need to first eat fruits or veggies. This could be anything from strawberries and yogurt to carrots and ranch dressing. Wrapped snacks will only be given when allowed. And the same goes for us too.


I'll admit this was a hard one for me. Before all this happened, my husband and I were very active in the gym. It felt good to get out and let out some stress. Now being home, we have to find other ways to stay active, especially with the kids. One way we do this is to get outside. You could go swimming if you have a pool or play ball. Anything that will bring your family together and keep them moving. I know sometimes this can be easier said than done but it's really important to get some fresh your own yard of course.


We've actually been doing this for a while and we love it. Some nights we will all curl up and watch movies with popcorn. You can also have a game night and play cards or my son's favorite Monopoly. For some reason, he always wins. He will literally buy everything he lands on and he still wins. Amazon Video has been releasing a lot of movies that were supposed to be in theaters. Another great app is you haven't already downloaded it is Disney+. Did you know that you could get a year subscription for FREE if you have Verizon....just a tip?


Now I don't do this often but we also have my little sister who is 12 here as well. Some nights, we will have a cooking class. I'll get the kids in the kitchen with me and they help make dinner. I'm still working 2 days a week and m husband is still working his full schedule. But it is nice to get together and everyone pitches in cooking and cleaning. We've been able to make some great memories and they take pride in what they're able to create.......even if a shell happens to land in the batter.


Okay, I know this is easier said than done since most people are at home with the kids but you should really take some time for yourself. We have stayed with the same sleep schedule as to when the kids are in school. This gives us adults a little time in the afternoon just to unwind and not hear our kids saying our names every minute. Watch a show or read a book. Do anything that will ease stress and let you enjoy the quiet.

10. STAY HOME!!!!

I literally can't stress this enough. If you don't have to go out then stay home. This is the only way you can stop the spread. I understand that it's hard but unless you need to go to work or you need supplies to stay home. Personally, this one isn't hard for me since I'm a homebody anyways

I hope you found these tips helpful. Remember to stay safe out there. Take this experience to make new memories with your kids. Try to make the most out of a tough situation.


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