Why I've Been Away

Why I've Been Away...

I've been meaning to type this blog post for months but could never find the right words. How do I explain my absence......Well, I will try. I admit, 2018 was a rough year for my family and I and a lot has happened while I was away. If you would like to watch the Live Stream Facebook video, I will leave a link down below.

First, let's do a rewind of my last video. The Dollar Tree Lunch Video. Look for anyone who watched the original live......I'm so sorry!!!!! Things were going fine at first and then my son just decided to start acting crazy. He threw his blanket at me and it was just bad. Like beyond bad. I had to stop the video and tend to him and then when I came back, I was just so disconnected from the video.

Second, I had been playing around with a bunch of different video editors and nothing was working. I let my OCD get the best of me and I couldn't produce what I envisioned in my head. Which is frustrating in itself but when you suffer from OCD it's even worse. I know you don't expect perfection but in my head, I was competing against other bloggers who had way better videos than me. Naturally, that shouldn't have been my attitude about it but unfortunately, it was.

Third, My family and I were going through a lot at that time. We were dealing with emotional stress and physical stress. For some reason, I just couldn't think. I would sit in front of the computer for hours trying to figure out what I wanted to do or say and my mind went blank. I couldn't concentrate and it was just BAD!!!!! It's hard for me to explain exactly what happened. 

I honestly think I just needed a break. I needed to take a step back and focus on my family and myself and regroup. Sometimes you just need to get back to basics and figure out what is truly important. I realized that I needed to make some changes to my life and I started with my blog. I love doing videos but I've learned that with being a working mother, Facebook Live wasn't going to work. It was taking to much time away from my family. Several other changes have happened so let's take a look.

My husband and I just recently bought a new home closer to Thibodaux. Our son will now be able to go to a great school and we're closer to work. We're so excited to be able to have room to spread out and really enjoy our home. Our jobs also changed. We're still both at the same companies just have different roles so that was an adjustment. With buying a new home you have to make sure that your budget is under control and we definitely needed to get ours right. 

I loved doing the Living To Budget Challenge but I honestly think it was too long and by the time we wrapped up, my head just wasn't in it. I'm so sorry about that because we were all excited about it and I feel like I didn't give everyone my all. I still want to do it again but this time in a different way. I'm going to be doing a Budget Series soon.

Moving forward, I think it's best to not do the Live videos on Facebook. I know a lot of people like them because you get that one on one interaction but for me and my lifestyle, it's hard to do. My son loves being in the videos and it's hard to concentrate on what I'm doing. Thankfully, I now have this whole editing thing figured out so I'm excited to produce the content that I was wanting to do. We're also only going to be doing two videos per week. I'm still doing Tip Tuesday because I know you all love it, so I will be bringing that back. 

I'm excited to be putting out new content for everyone and I have a bunch of ideas that I'm ready to share. I love what I do and I know there's a lot of budget blogs out there but I want this to be different. I'm wanting to take the old live videos I've done and make them shorter cause we all know I can ramble on......and on. 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me and have sent me messages asking about me. 2019 started off rough at first. I had a health scare back a couple months ago. I ended up having a horrible anxiety attack and I had a TIA (mini-stroke) caused by a PFO (hole in my heart) that I didn't even know I had. I've seen a neurologist and a cardiologist and that's what they're thinking I had. I was under a lot of stress at the time and I wasn't sure I wanted to start the Blog up again. But I needed to get to feeling like myself again and doing what I loved. At the time I didn't have any energy to do anything and between all the medication it's been tough.

But now, I'm getting back to myself and FINALLY have things sort of under control.....which will never be fully let's get real. I'm dealing with my anxiety and my OCD and understanding more of why I feel a certain day. I still believe that I started this blog to help others and that's what I want to do. 

I look forward to sharing everything with you and I hope that this can also help you because, at the end of the day, that's what it's about. I'm geared up and ready to go and I hope you are too. It'll be slow starting but we will get it done together. I love you and thank you for everything. 


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