30 Ways To Save Money

We all love to save money.....or at least I hope we do!!!!! At times people think it's hard but what if I told you there are 30 easy ways you can start saving money today.

There is so many blog post you can read on how to do this. I'm going to keep this simple for you because it really is that easy.

So let's take a look, shall we........

1) Always shop sales

Shopping sales can save you anywhere from 30 to 50 %. I try to always shop the sales

2) Save money on groceries by using apps

I've done a whole blog post on this subject. Click HERE.

3) Pack your lunch

Studies show that we spend a lot of money on lunch. Eat leftovers or make your own lunch. This could save you hundreds per month.

4) Do your own nails

I love a good manicure better than anyone, but if you do them at home it's better for your wallet.

5) Shop at thrift stores

People seriously don't give thrift stores enough credit. I've found some amazing deals at my local thrift store and some purchases still had tags on them. You can find anything from clothes, shoes, home decor, or toys. I suggest using your local thrift store instead of Goodwill but that's just my personal opinion.

6) Cut cable!!!!!!

We've talked about this before. Cutting cable can save you some serious money. Our tv is mainly on Netflix or Hulu. The only reason we have cable is because of the sports package. If I could figure out a way to have that then I could be spending only about $20 instead of $140. Think about it.

7) DIY gifts instead of the fancy expensive gift

Maybe I'm weird but I love homemade gifts more than I love fancy expensive gifts. Give from the heart, not your wallet.

8) Save loose change

It's always a good idea to save your change. We save our change all throughout the year and that's normally what we use for our son's birthday or Christmas.

9) Use The Envelope Method

Using this method could save you hundreds a month. It limits how much you can spend and holds you accountable. Click HERE to read the post and watch the video I did on this method.

10) Don't buy groceries when you're hungry

Call me crazy but I've actually tested this theory out. Never go shopping when you're hungry because you're more likely to spend way more money then you planned. Give it a try cause you might surprise yourself. 

11) Have a No Spend Week

We do this all the time and you would be shocked at home much money it saves us a month. I like to call this "Pantry Pick Week". 

12) Share meals when eating out

My husband and I love doing this and it makes a HUGE difference on our bill at the end of the meal. Normally we will buy a small appetizer and then share a meal. They will bring you two plates so you can split it. My favorite restaurant to do this hack at is Olive Garden. 

13) Take advantage of Happy Hour

Need I say more!!!!!!!!

14) Buy Generic

Y'all already know my thoughts on this one and I've discussed this several times. It's basically the same thing and most of the times it's made in the same factory just with a different label.

15) Don't leave your lights on


16) Don't shop when you're angry

A lot of people will binge shop when they're angry. The madder you are, the more you're likely to spend. Just a fact.

17) Cancel unused memberships 

If you're not using it then why have it!!!!!!

18) DIY home improvements

YouTube and Pinterest can be your best friend when tackling home improvements. Just do your research and save money.

19) Buy seasonal decor after season

If you buy decor after the season, you can save up to 80% and higher for next season. Plus use coupons and save even more.

20) Use a crockpot to make big meals

I LOVE my crockpot. I can make a large meal and then freeze half of it for another night. Bulk cooking can save you tons of money and time.

21) Use your dishwasher

Okay, so I'm guilty of this one. It took me over 7 years to get a dishwasher and it took me almost 7 months to start using it full-time. But it does save you money on soap and water.

22) Go through your closet

We have a rule at our house. When a new piece of clothing comes in, one has to go out. I go through our clothes pretty regularly. I have a halfway box that I will put things that we don't wear. If in 6 months it hasn't been taken out, then we donate it to our local thrift store.

23) Carpool

Save money on gas and carpool when you can

24) Shop at the Dollar Store

So everyone knows I have a love obsession with the Dollar Store. There's nothing wrong with it and I seriously think people should shop there more.

25) Finish food in the pantry

This kind of goes with the "No Spend Week". I try to use up the food in my pantry first before I buy more. Why buy what you already have. Save your money.

26) Pay credit cards on time

If you don't buy your credit card bills on time then you could be spending a lot of money in late fees which is never good. Also, try paying $5 more than your minimum payment.

27) Make DIY cleaning supplies

This will save you a good chunk of money as well. It's not hard to do and it's better for your home.

28) Have an Adult Allowance

Instead of using your cards for everything, try giving yourself an Adult Allowance and only spend that. You can read all about it by clicking HERE.

29) Meal Plan

Meal Planning is always a great idea. Not only does it save you money but it can also save you time and sanity. No more getting home late and trying to figure out what you're going to throw together.
Click HERE to learn how to meal plan.

30) Clip coupons

When all else fails, clip coupons!!!!!! Couponing is a great way to save money if you have the time and the patience to do it. There are also a bunch of great apps you can use to coupon.

That's it, everyone. 30 simple ways you can start saving money. It's the little things that you can so that will make the most difference. Give them a try and let me know how they've helped you.


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